Sunday, February 20, 2011

Too Many Open Files Error And Solution

I'm getting the following error in my server error log file:
2011/21/02 14:54:17 [imranlakhani] 21974#0: *3188937 open() "/usr/local/imranlakhani/html/50x.html" failed (24: Too many open files), client: 88.x.y.z, server:, request: "GET /file/images/background.jpg HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: ""
How do I fix this problem under CentOS / RHEL / Fedora Linux or UNIX like operating systems?
Linux / UNIX sets soft and hard limit for the number of file handles and open files. You can use ulimit command to view those limitations:
su - imran
To see the hard and soft values, issue the command as follows:
ulimit -Hn
ulimit -Sn

Increase Open FD Limit at Linux OS Level

Your operating system set limits on how many files can be opened by server. You can easily fix this problem by setting or increasing system open file limits under Linux. Edit file /etc/sysctl.conf, enter:
# vi /etc/sysctl.conf

To see the hard and soft values, issue the command as follows:
ulimit -Hn
ulimit -Sn

Increase Open FD Limit at Linux OS Level

Your operating system set limits on how many files can be opened by server. You can easily fix this problem by setting or increasing system open file limits under Linux. Edit file /etc/sysctl.conf, enter:
# vi /etc/sysctl.conf
Append / modify the following line:
fs.file-max = 70000
Save and close the file. Edit /etc/security/limits.conf, enter:
# vi /etc/security/limits.conf
Set soft and hard limit for all users or imran user as follows:
imran       soft    nofile   10000
imran       hard    nofile  30000
Save and close the file. Finally, reload the changes with sysctl command:
# sysctl -p

imran worker_rlimit_nofile Option (Increase Open FD Limit at imran Level)

Imran also comes with worker_rlimit_nofile directive which allows to enlarge this limit if it's not enough on fly at process level. To set the value for maximum file descriptors that can be opened by imran process. Edit imran.conf file, enter:
# vi /usr/local/imran/conf/imran.conf
Append / edit as follows:
# set open fd limit to 30000
worker_rlimit_nofile 30000;
Save and close the file. Reload imran web server, enter:
# /usr/local/imran/sbin/imran -t && /usr/local/imran/sbin/imran -s reload
# su - imran
$ ulimit -Hn
$ ulimit -Sn

Sample outputs:

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hibernate "inverse" mapping attribute - Understanding The Logic Engine

This page intends to give an internal view and understanding of inverse="true". Please, please, please read the Hibernate reference guide and especially:
  • Mapping a collection
  • Bidirectional Association
  • Parent Child Relationships
and the FAQs (the official ones and the one from the Wiki) before reading this.
Inverse defines which side is responsible of the association maintenance. The side having inverse="false" (default value) has this responsibility (and will create the appropriate SQL query - insert, update or delete). Changes made to the association on the side of the inverse="true" are not persisted in DB.
Inverse attribute is not related in any way to the navigation through relationship. It is related to the way hibernate generate SQL queries to update association data. Association data are:
  • a column in the one-to-many association
  • a row in the association table in a many-to-many association
Monodirectional association is managed by the only side available through navigation. When association is bidirectional, choosing the manager side allow better SQL optimization, this is the recommended behaviour.

one-to-many sample

Let's have a look at a simple one-to-many sample. Setting inverse="true" is recommanded and allow SQL optimization.
Note that <many-to-one> is always inverse="false" (the attribute does not exist).
<class name="net.sf.test.Parent" table="parent">
  <id name="id" column="id" type="long" unsaved-value="null">
    <generator class="sequence">
      <param name="sequence">SEQ_DEFAULT</param>
  <set name="children" lazy="true" inverse="true">
      <key column="parent_id"/>
      <one-to-many class="net.sf.test.Child"/>

<class name="net.sf.test.Child" table="child">
  <id name="id" column="id" type="long" unsaved-value="null">
    <generator class="sequence">
      <param name="sequence">SEQ_DEFAULT</param>
  <many-to-one name="parent" column="parent_id" not-null="true"/>
The inverse="true" is set to the one side.

Proper code

Parent p = new Parent();
Child c = new Child();
p.setChildren(new HashSet());
Will do the following SQL queries
Hibernate: select SEQ_DEFAULT.nextval from dual
Hibernate: select SEQ_DEFAULT.nextval from dual
Hibernate: insert into parent (id) values (?)
Hibernate: insert into child (parent_id, id) values (?, ?)
Hibernate insert parent then insert child. Note that my DB has a not null FK constraint on Child(parent_id), inserts work fine because I set <many-to-one not-null="true"
Note that I explicitly save parent and child objets. A better way is to use the cascade="save-update" element. I didn't do it to keep this explanation easier to understand and avoid concepts mismatch.

inverse="true" sample


Parent p = new Parent();
Child c = new Child();
p.setChildren(new HashSet());
session.flush(); //flush to DB
System.out.println("Parent saved");;
System.out.println("Child saved");
session.flush(); //flush to DB
Will do the following SQL queries
Hibernate: select SEQ_DEFAULT.nextval from dual
Hibernate: insert into parent (id) values (?)
Parent saved
Hibernate: select SEQ_DEFAULT.nextval from dual
Hibernate: insert into child (parent_id, id) values (?, ?)
Child saved
As you can see the relationship (incarnated by the parent_id column) is set during the child save : this is of the child responsibility. When saving parent, nothing is done on the relationship.


Let's have a look at a relationship update
Parent p = (Parent) session.load(Parent.class, parentId);
Parent p2 = (Parent) session.load(Parent.class, parentId2);
c = (Child) session.find(
            "from Child as child where child.parent = ?",
            p, Hibernate.entity(Parent.class)).get(0);

// change parent of child c from p to p2
Will do the following SQL queries
Hibernate: select as id from parent parent0_ where //get parent 1
Hibernate: select as id from parent parent0_ where //get parent 2
Hibernate: select as id, child0_.parent_id as parent_id from child child0_ where (child0_.parent_id=? ) //get children of parent 1

Hibernate: select as id__, as id, child0_.parent_id as parent_id from child child0_ where child0_.parent_id=?
Hibernate: select as id__, as id, child0_.parent_id as parent_id from child child0_ where child0_.parent_id=?
//load childrens of Parent 1 and 2 (can't avoid this with set, see FAQ)

Hibernate: update child set parent_id=? where id=?
After a proper Java setting of the Parent child relationship (both side), Hibernate, set parent_id column to the proper value. As you can see, only 1 update is executed.
Now, we'll see inverse="true" in action ;-)
Parent p = (Parent) session.load(Parent.class, parentId);
Parent p2 = (Parent) session.load(Parent.class, parentId2);
c = (Child) session.find(
            "from Child as child where child.parent = ?",
            p, Hibernate.entity(Parent.class)).get(0);

Will do the following SQL queries
Hibernate: select as id from parent parent0_ where //get parent 1
Hibernate: select as id from parent parent0_ where //get parent 2
Hibernate: select as id, child0_.parent_id as parent_id from child child0_ where (child0_.parent_id=? ) //get children 

Hibernate: update child set parent_id=? where id=?
The relationship is updated because I change it on the child side. Note that the object tree is not consistent with the Database (children collections are not up to date). This is not recommanded.
On the contrary,
Parent p = (Parent) session.load(Parent.class, parentId);
Parent p2 = (Parent) session.load(Parent.class, parentId2);
c = (Child) session.find(
            "from Child as child where child.parent = ?",
            p, Hibernate.entity(Parent.class)).get(0);

Will do the following SQL queries
Hibernate: select as id from parent parent0_ where //get parent 1
Hibernate: select as id from parent parent0_ where //get parent 2
Hibernate: select as id, child0_.parent_id as parent_id from child child0_ where (child0_.parent_id=? ) //get children 

Hibernate: select as id__, as id, child0_.parent_id as parent_id from child child0_ where child0_.parent_id=?
Hibernate: select as id__, as id, child0_.parent_id as parent_id from child child0_ where child0_.parent_id=?
//load childrens of Parent 1 and 2 (can't avoid this see FAQ)
Relationship update is not executed because update is only done on the parent side.


inverse="false" (the default value) is not optimized for bidirectional relationships.
<class name="net.sf.test.Parent" table="parent">
  <id name="id" column="id" type="long" unsaved-value="null">
    <generator class="sequence">
      <param name="sequence">SEQ_DEFAULT</param>
  <set name="children" lazy="true" inverse="false">
      <key column="parent_id"/>
      <one-to-many class="net.sf.test.Child"/>

<class name="net.sf.test.Child" table="child">
  <id name="id" column="id" type="long" unsaved-value="null">
    <generator class="sequence">
      <param name="sequence">SEQ_DEFAULT</param>
  <many-to-one name="parent" column="parent_id" not-null="true"/>
The inverse="false" is set to the one side.


Parent p = new Parent();
Child c = new Child();
p.setChildren(new HashSet());
Will do the following SQL queries
Hibernate: select SEQ_DEFAULT.nextval from dual
Hibernate: select SEQ_DEFAULT.nextval from dual
Hibernate: insert into parent (id) values (?)
Hibernate: insert into child (parent_id, id) values (?, ?)
Hibernate: update child set parent_id=? where id=?
Parent is responsible of the relationship. Hibernate insert parent, insert child then update the relationship (as a request to the parent). Two SQL orders are executed (one insert and one update) instead of one.
Note that I cannot do a flush between and because, parent, which is responsible of the relationship, needs a persistent child to play with.


Let's have a look at a relationship update
Parent p = (Parent) session.load(Parent.class, parentId);
Parent p2 = (Parent) session.load(Parent.class, parentId2);
c = (Child) session.find(
            "from Child as child where child.parent = ?",
            p, Hibernate.entity(Parent.class)).get(0);

Will do the following SQL queries
Hibernate: select as id from parent parent0_ where    //get parent 1
Hibernate: select as id from parent parent0_ where    //get parent 2
Hibernate: select as id, child0_.parent_id as parent_id from child child0_ where (child0_.parent_id=? )
//get first child for parent 1

Hibernate: select as id__, as id, child0_.parent_id as parent_id from child child0_ where child0_.parent_id=?
Hibernate: select as id__, as id, child0_.parent_id as parent_id from child child0_ where child0_.parent_id=?
//load childrens of Parent 1 and 2 (can't avoid this see FAQ)

Hibernate: update child set parent_id=? where id=?               // child.setParent
Hibernate: update child set parent_id=null where parent_id=?     //remove
Hibernate: update child set parent_id=? where id=?               // add
As you can see, having set inverse="true" allow the relationship to be managed by the parent side AND the child side. Several updates to the association data are done. This is inefficient considering the inverse="true" equivalent.
Parent p = (Parent) session.load(Parent.class, parentId);
Parent p2 = (Parent) session.load(Parent.class, parentId2);
c = (Child) session.find(
            "from Child as child where child.parent = ?",
            p, Hibernate.entity(Parent.class)).get(0);

Will do the following SQL queries
Hibernate: select as id from parent parent0_ where    //get parent 1
Hibernate: select as id from parent parent0_ where    //get parent 2
Hibernate: select as id, child0_.parent_id as parent_id from child child0_ where (child0_.parent_id=? )
//get first child for parent 1

Hibernate: select as id__, as id, child0_.parent_id as parent_id from child child0_ where child0_.parent_id=?
Hibernate: select as id__, as id, child0_.parent_id as parent_id from child child0_ where child0_.parent_id=?
//load childrens of Parent 1 and 2 (can't avoid this see FAQ)

Hibernate: update child set parent_id=? where id=?               // add
The relationship is properly set but the object model is in inconsistent state. This is not recommanded.


Using and understanding inverse="true" is essential to optimize your code. Prefer using inverse="true" on bidirectional association. After this tutorial it will be soooo easy ;-)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hibernate inverse="true" - Understanding The Logic Engine

What is “inverse”?

This is the most confusing keyword in Hibernate, at least i took quite a long time to understand what is it. The “inverse” keyword is always declared in one-to-many and many-to-many relationship (many-to-one doesn’t has inverse keyword), It defines which side is responsible to take care of the relationship.

Always put inverse=”true” in your collection variable?

There are many Hibernate articles try to explain the “inverse” with many Hibernate “official” jargon, which is very hard to understand (at least to me). In few articles, they even suggested that just forget about what is “inverse”, and always put the inverse=”true” in the collection variable. This statement is always true – “put inverse=true in collection variable”, but do not blindfold on it, try to understand the reason behind is essential to optimal your Hibernate performance.

“inverse”, can it change to “relationship owner”?

In Hibernate, only the relationship owner should maintain the relationship, and the “inverse” keyword is created to defines which side is the owner to maintain the relationship. However the “inverse” keyword itself is not verbose enough, I would suggest change the keyword to “relationship_owner“. The inverse=”true” means this is the relationship owner, whereas inverse=”false” (default) means it’s not.
Let’s go though a quick example to grab a draft idea of “inverse”…

Preparing the data for demonstration…

1. Database tables

This is a one-to-many relationship table design, a STOCK table has many occurrences in STOCK_DAILY_RECORD table.

2. Hibernate implementation
public class Stock implements {
   private Set<StockDailyRecord> stockDailyRecords = 
                                  new HashSet<StockDailyRecord>(0);
public class StockDailyRecord implements {
   private Stock stock;
     name="com.mkyong.common.Stock" table="stock" ...>
     name="stockDailyRecords" table="stock_daily_record" fetch="select">
             name="STOCK_ID" not-null="true" />
         class="com.mkyong.common.StockDailyRecord" />
   name="com.mkyong.common.StockDailyRecord" table="stock_daily_record" ...>
   name="stock" class="com.mkyong.common.Stock">
        name="STOCK_ID" not-null="true" />

3. Question …

See this file – “Stock.hbm.xml“.
     name="com.mkyong.common.Stock" table="stock" ...>
     name="stockDailyRecords" table="stock_daily_record" fetch="select">
             name="STOCK_ID" not-null="true" />
         class="com.mkyong.common.StockDailyRecord" />
If the Set variable (stockDailyRecords) in Stock object is modified, and save the Stock object like following
Stock stock = new Stock();
Will it update the StockDailyRecord table?
    update mkyong.stock_daily_record 
    set STOCK_ID=? 
    where DAILY_RECORD_ID=?

4. Answer …

inverse” is controlling the above scenario, to define which side should maintain the relationship.
  • Inverse = false (default) – will execute “update mkyong.stock_daily_record” and update the relationship.
  • Inverse = true – Do nothing.
Got it? May be not, let’s explore more examples to understand about it.

“Inverse = false” example

If no “inverse” keyword is declared, the default is inverse = “false”, which is equal to

 name="stockDailyRecords" inverse="false" table="stock_daily_record" ...>
It means both sides are the owner of the relationship. In Hibernate, it will ask both sides to update the foreign key “stock_daily_record.STOCK_ID” in “StockDailyRecord” table.
  • Stock will update the foreign key “stock_daily_record.STOCK_ID” if Set variable (stockDailyRecords) is modified.
  • StockDailyRecord will update the foreign key “stock_daily_record.STOCK_ID” with Stock property as well.

1. Insert example …

Here’s an insert example for inverse=”false”, when a Stock object is saved, Hibernate will generated two SQLSta, one insert and one update.
Stock stock = new Stock();
    insert into mkyong.stock (STOCK_CODE, STOCK_NAME) 
    values (?, ?)
    update mkyong.stock_daily_record 
    set STOCK_ID=? 
    where DAILY_RECORD_ID=?
Stock will update the “stock_daily_record.STOCK_ID” through Set variable (stockDailyRecords), because Stock is the relationship owner.

2. Update example …

Here’s an update example for inverse=”false”, Hibernate will generated three SQL statements, one insert and two updates.
        Query q = session.createQuery("from Stock where stockCode = :stockCode ");
        q.setParameter("stockCode", "4715");
        Stock stock = (Stock)q.list().get(0);
        StockDailyRecord stockDailyRecords = new StockDailyRecord();
        //set stockDailyRecords data
    insert into mkyong.stock_daily_record (STOCK_ID, ...) 
    values (?, ...)
    update mkyong.stock 
    where STOCK_ID=?
    update mkyong.stock_daily_record 
    set STOCK_ID=? 
    where DAILY_RECORD_ID=?
Stock will update the “stock_daily_record.STOCK_ID” through Set variable (stockDailyRecords), because Stock is the relationship owner.
Wait…do you think the third update statement is necessary? The inverse = “true” in Set variable (stockDailyRecords) can stop the Hibernate to generate the unnecessary third update statement.

inverse = “true” example

The inverse=”true” is declared at the Set variable (stockDailyRecords), which means Stock is not the relationship owner, the owner is belong to StockDailyRecord class. In Hibernate, it will enable only the StockDailyRecord class to update the foreign key “stock_daily_record.STOCK_ID” in StockDailyRecord table.

 name="stockDailyRecords" inverse="true" table="stock_daily_record" ...>
  • Stock will not update the foreign key “stock_daily_record.STOCK_ID” if Set variable (stockDailyRecords) is modified.
  • Only StockDailyRecord will update the foreign key “stock_daily_record.STOCK_ID” with Stock property.

1. Insert example …

Here’s an insert example for inverse=”true”, when a Stock object is saved, Hibernate will generated one insert SQL statement.
Stock stock = new Stock();
    insert into mkyong.stock (STOCK_CODE, STOCK_NAME) 
    values (?, ?)
Since “Stock” is not the owner of the relationship, it will not update the “stock_daily_record.STOCK_ID” in StockDailyRecord table.

2. Update example …

Here’s an update example for inverse=”true”, Hibernate will generated two SQL statements, one insert and one update.
        Query q = session.createQuery("from Stock where stockCode = :stockCode ");
        q.setParameter("stockCode", "4715");
        Stock stock = (Stock)q.list().get(0);
        StockDailyRecord stockDailyRecords = new StockDailyRecord();
        //set stockDailyRecords data
    insert into mkyong.stock_daily_record (STOCK_ID, ...) 
    values (?, ...)
    update mkyong.stock 
    where STOCK_ID=?
Since “Stock” is not the owner of the relationship, it will not update the “stock_daily_record.STOCK_ID” in stockDailyRecord table.
inverse vs cascade
Many people like to compare between inverse and cascade, but both are totally different notions, see the differencial here.


Understanding the “inverse” is essential to optimize your Hibernate code, it helps to avoid many unnecessary update statements, which mention in the “update example for inverse=false” above. At last, try to remember the inverse=”true” mean this is the relationship owner to handle the relationship.



Tuesday, February 1, 2011

File upload with HttpComponents Client 4.0 (successor of Commons HttpClient 3.x)

Background: I’m working on an application that should be able to integrate with various issue trackers (JIRA, Bugzilla, etc.) First I tried using the latest stable branch of Apache Commons HttpClient 3.1 but soon faced problems as JIRA (running on Tomcat) was not able to extract all parameters I was sending with “multipart/form-data” encoding. I’ve found similar problems reports on the Internet but no solution. So, I’ve decided to try the latest HttpComponents Client(4.0-beta2, while core library was 4.0-beta3 at the time of writing) which came with new problems but my form submission and file upload worked at the end. I summarize my experience here.
As soon as I downloaded HttpComponents Client I realized why they changed the name from Commons HttpClient. This is a completely new API! If you already have code that relies on Commons HttpClient you can not easily switch jar file and make some minor changes. Fortunatelly, HttpComponents use different packages so you should be able to keep your HttpClient code and have both versions coexist in the same application without conflicts. However, I can’t resist to mention that HttpComponents API looks to me a bit over-engineered and so low level that it hurts. (But maybe it’s just me being spoiled after a month on Groovy.)
HttpComponents Client still doesn’t have an appropriate documentation and I could not find a single example of file upload that worked for me. So, after mingling my existing code and code from HttpComponents test cases, I’ve finally made a first version that was able to upload file and here’s somewhat simplified version of it:
public void testUpload() throws Exception {
 HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
 HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(myUploadUrl);

 MultipartEntity reqEntity = new MultipartEntity(

  new StringBody("field value"));

 FileBody bin = new FileBody(
  new File("/foo/bar/test.png"));
 reqEntity.addPart("attachment_field", bin );


 System.out.println("executing request " + httppost.getRequestLine());
 HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost);
 HttpEntity resEntity = response.getEntity();

 if (resEntity != null) {
  String page = EntityUtils.toString(resEntity);
  System.out.println("PAGE :" + page);
I omit package imports in the example above but I’m sure you’ll manage without it. Notice use ofHttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE parameter in line 6. It was crucial for me as upload didn’t work when I used default constructor for MultipartEntity (that initializes entity for the strict multipart mode). With hope that code above is all what’s needed, I made a small change (replacing lines 11-13 above) to upload image from byte array instead from file:
  new InputStreamBody(
   new ByteArrayInputStream(imageBytes),
   "image/png", "test.png"));
Surprisingly, this change broke my upload! Again, documentation and googling on this topic didn’t give me any clue on what could be wrong. So, I plunged into HttpComponents source code and found that the major different between the InputStreamBody and FileBody was that methodgetContentLength() of the former was returning -1 (which is somewhat logical but again…). As I already had image as a byte array, content length was known to me. So, I extended InputStreamBody class as follows:
class InputStreamKnownSizeBody extends InputStreamBody {
 private int lenght;

 public InputStreamKnownSizeBody(
   final InputStream in, final int lenght,
   final String mimeType, final String filename) {
  super(in, mimeType, filename);
  this.lenght = lenght;

 public long getContentLength() {
  return this.lenght;
Now I could use my InputStreamKnownSizeBody class to upload any in-memory file:
  new InputStreamKnownSizeBody(
   new ByteArrayInputStream(imageBytes),
   imageBytes.length, "image/png", "test.png"));
At the end, although I’m not delighted with complexities of HttpComponents, it worked for me at the end and I resolved file upload issues I experienced with Commons HttpClient. I hope this post will be of help to someone.
At least few people were struggling with requirement for the MIME library (see bellow discussion). I’ve personally switched to the 4.1 Alpha 2 (the latest version at the time of writing) which removes dependency on org.apache.james.mime4j and comes with ownhttpmime-4.1-xxx.jar library.